Thursday, May 5, 2011

Still Digging

I've been building rest state on my death knight, because you can never level fast enough. While doing that I've been multitasking by catching up on some recorded television and working on Archaeology.

Archaeology is both easier and harder than I remember on my rogue. I've been keeping track of my solves as I go along, though I won't know until later if that data is worth looking at. I thought it would be easier to focus on fossils than it is turning out to be. I remember when I first started Archaeology on my rogue that all I got was fossils. Some of my first solves were the fossil rares. I just had way more fossil dig sites, and therefore more fossil fragments, than any of the other races.

This time around I'm getting troll, troll, troll. I'm around skill level 160 and I've solved a troll and fossil rare. I have 17 night elf key stones, 15 troll, and 9 dwarf. If I am on Kalimdor then I hit my night elf cap fairly quickly and also get tons of troll sites, while in Eastern Kingdoms all four of my digsites are frequently down in Stranglethorn and usually all of them are troll. In all I've solved 9 fossils, 5 troll, 2 night elf, and 2 dwarf.

I've been at this for a couple of days and it feels like I'm getting no where. I know that realistically I will have tons of solves queued up once I finish Outlands. I'll have almost 200 of 3 races fragments, as well as enough keystones to choke a goat. It's just slow going and I'm not sure if I have the will power to stick with my plan. I still have 140 points to go. If I did not get any more rares in that time it would be 28 more solves to get to Outlands, and I've only done 19 so far and 2 of those rares gave triple the skill up points.

I suppose there's nothing for it but to get back to digging. Thursday night it's back to leveling my death knight for a bit. Hopefully I have a good bit of rest state built up at this point.

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